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Going out!!! / Saturday, January 23, 2010 @ 3:42 AM
First time uploading pics frm my BB. YAY! These are the happennings taken down with BB. Kinda blur tho but better than nth. lol.

A day out with Joey:
Met up with her aft her class and off we go to Bugis.

That's her!! Camera-shy.

Her and her nosey pencil case.

Me, all bored n slpy while she's writting on the feedback form.

The best-ever mudpie frm manhatten fish mkt.

Joey, all studious.

Me and Joey in the lift!

Last shot before she goes home!!

And after that, I went to meet Jason n Kent for dinner...

Our first pic tgt on my BB.

Anddd the next day, Jason treated me to my birthday dinner (super late tho =X). Sidenote on this, I was quite skeptical of the restaurant we're going to but turn out it's really really really gd. Plus it's buffet dinner at the price of arnd $30. oo, btw, name of restaurant is Hibiki (at cuppage area). Definately gg back there!!!

I simply love the utensils there!

Eat-all-u-can Ala-carte buffet rocks esp for lazy ppl like me.

N taa daa, finally a pic of Jason. (A note abt him: we're not blood-related but we're almost similar in lotsa things. We can even pre-empt wad the other party wanna say in advance. N most imptly his fate in life is almost similar to mine too. Uber cool right? I'm amazed myself!!!)

My boy. All fleshy n cute.

Fake smile cos he's boiling over the long wait of food.

Told u i really love the utensils there.

A pic of the 3 of us.

Unagi for unagi lovers, Kent n Jason.

Free flow of salmon spells YAYNESS!!!

Poached egg that i hate but Jason n Kent like.

Kent's all full up and bloated.

Telepathy siblings. = D

We'll be back AGAIN!

Layout by Gabby. Images from here and here. Inspired by tumblr.