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Hi. You've stopped at this year's up to date shiets of my life. For the dipwads, navigate with the arrow near the title above. The icon is split in half, alright? Whut a smart kiddo you are.

Put your profile here. Make it as long as you want, this sidebar is a never ending length. Archives are below.

Farewell for Jason / New nick / no motivation / Busy Wednesday / Jas is weak shit / Mugging at NLB / Happy Valentine's Day 09 / Busy Busy / Taa Daa!!! / Bithday yeaness! /

Turning vegetarian / Thursday, March 19, 2009 @ 10:58 PM
I'm turning vegetarian for a wk due to a series of unfortunate events. We can definately do it n tide over the crisis! Say YAY! Din know it's tt difficult not to eat meat or at the very least try to avoid and look for all vegetarian stall out there. Sigh. But i'm gonna try my best. -wave pom pom for myself-

What's with tt look?

Thks for the temptation.

I won't cave into temptation okay!!!

ACT studious.

polishing of teeth : $72
Smiling like an idiot : priceless

Free ad for the dental clinic.

I wan more chocolate!

Layout by Gabby. Images from here and here. Inspired by tumblr.