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Busy Busy / Taa Daa!!! / Bithday yeaness! / Congrats to my first attempt in baking the cheese ... / Losing weight / just cut my i looked a goondu.f*** that... / 6 months = 46 weeks = 182 days = 4368 hoursAmount... / Topone KTV treat / Random Pics / costa sands pasir ris /

Happy Valentine's Day 09 / Saturday, February 14, 2009 @ 8:27 PM
Happy Valentine to all! Was really surprised tt kent dear got me a small bouquet of rose. i know, so hypo-typical of a guy to get. but oh wells, better than none. =X lol. anyway, kent cooked for me for the first time in his life. He made rosemary potato soup and chicken chop, though a little charred, it taste extremely gd. Appreciate all the effort that he put in. -wide grin- Lubs lubs. 

Layout by Gabby. Images from here and here. Inspired by tumblr.