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Dragon slayer is a joke / Turning vegetarian / Farewell for Jason / New nick / no motivation / Busy Wednesday / Jas is weak shit / Mugging at NLB / Happy Valentine's Day 09 / Busy Busy /

We are ONE / Saturday, April 11, 2009 @ 12:04 AM
Quote from Kent Dear " The journey was not easy for both of us, we've came a long way and our love withstood the test of time and challenges. This one year gave us a chance to know each other and our commitment grow stronger with each passing day. "

Indeed, it's been the most pleasurable year for me. I truly enjoyed being with you every single second. Happy first-versary and many more to go!

Lovely Shot at Haji Lane

Vintage, my love.


Act pretty.

Wooo. Model-like.


B&W Loves.

Back to the past.

My handsome darling boy.

At Le Pont, where we tried the French cuisine.

Scrap card from Jas Dear.

Scrap Card from Kent Dear.


Layout by Gabby. Images from here and here. Inspired by tumblr.