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Lady Gaga TONIGHT! / Exam Ended / We are ONE / Dragon slayer is a joke / Turning vegetarian / Farewell for Jason / New nick / no motivation / Busy Wednesday / Jas is weak shit /

To keep or discard / Wednesday, January 13, 2010 @ 11:27 PM
I'm like contemplating whether i shld keep this blog or just simply discard. Aft all, I haven't update since god-knows-when but i've sentiments for it since it accompanied me thru my darkest days. Anyways, here are the latest happenings :

Daddy's Birthday(January '10)
My dad turns 50 this yr. Happy Birthday!

Mag's Birthday (January '10)
Happy Birthday Mag mag!! Welcome to my double-twos club.

Latecomers : Manda and Darren.

Movie Date (January '10)

My dearest boy takes me to Sherlock Holmes n Swensens.

Christmas Celeb with OGweenies (December '09)

Guess the baby photo segment!

Pressies! Give me more!

The bitching babes.

Christmas Meetup with fave girls (December '09)

Already looking fwd to next meetup!!

Bitching never ends with my fave girls.

'Jiak Liu Lian' Musical at Esplanade (December '09)

My first musical at Esplanade. Totally loves it. Def gg back for more.
And Kent Dearest got me rose. I'm swimming in happiness. hahaha.

Birthday Celeb with OGweenies. (December '09)

I'm 22 and oh boy i'm old. = (

Jokers. All.

I heart these girls. ^^

Malacca Trip(December '09)

Not a bad shot. (Taken by Gavin)

Me n my beloved parents. = D

Popsicles again! Loves!
BKK Trip (November '09)

The only person who came to see us off! Elias!!!

Waiting to board the plane. Woot woots!

Our first meal in BKK (Fuji Restaurant)

Dirt cheap bargains that we couldn't get enuff!

The Ultimate Buffet that makes us shoutout "SHIOK!"

Popsicles perfect for hot hot US!

Me n my besties gg bonkers in Chatuchak.

Farewell BKK! We'll be back in 2010! <3>
Layout by Gabby. Images from here and here. Inspired by tumblr.