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Zaz Rocks / Mediatek Anniversary Dinner 08 / Kent Dear Birthday Part 1 / Dinner at dempsey / Our 3rd month anniversary / Road Marshalling Event / Going to Shanghai / BBQ Steamboat / Revision's in! / Happy Mummy Day /

Birthday Treats! / Thursday, August 21, 2008 @ 2:51 PM
Updates on Wenjun and Ryan birthday. Hell lotsa fun for both birthdays. Why is my bday in December? It always seems like a long long time. = (
Venue : Bayshore at ECP
-salute- Mr Policeman 1 and 2

Cake baked with lotsa love by Wenjun's sis
(Asked the guys if their gf baked for them a cake like this but not very nice, will they still eat? Dion n Yilu immediately say eat a bit, the rest throw away, only Leon n Kent say will eat all, now we know who's the nice guy. -winks-)

Chao-botak Birthday boy!

Stop taking pics! I wanna eat the cake.

This is the most hype about specs. Yi lu's wearing it!

Dion's wearing it as well!
Venue : New York New York at Citylink

Elias's wearing it too!

Group pic

Birthday boy - Ryan!

Foam-like looking cake made up of candy floss

Ryan don't love the cake = (

Still very reluctant abt it. (will give u nicer, tastier one later)

Elias the only one who's enthu abt taking pics with this background

Couple couple shots

Don't look at my legs. I know, unglam. ><


and the girls.

I heart patchwork!

Layout by Gabby. Images from here and here. Inspired by tumblr.