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Revision's in! / Happy Mummy Day / Spagaddies and lime flea mkt / Our first month / PMKG down / BBQ at Jason's place / WK's 23rd birthday / T3 with KD's PSG / Dion's 21st Birthday / Karen's 21st Birthday /

BBQ Steamboat / Monday, June 2, 2008 @ 1:26 PM
Exams' FINALLY over! Like finally. I'm finally freed frm all those disgusting notes. haha. yea, back to update! Woohoo! Last sun, went out with sec frens and KD to have dinner at boon keng. Aft searching high and low for bbq steamboat (ever since, marina south's close for redevelopment and seoul garden is the only expensive bbq steamboat arnd) that's cheap n good. We found this Chong Pang BBQ steamboat at Boon Keng. It's right in front of an industrial estate, only $16 per pax plus free flow of drinks. There's prawns and crabs too. (and free parking lots too!)

Now we know who's the slacker that only eat!

The girls.

The guys.

Food all clean out by...


He rocks! (random)

Layout by Gabby. Images from here and here. Inspired by tumblr.