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bazaar at sim / As promised, my blogshop name is.... (-drum roll-)... / Going out!!! / 100th post / BB Loves / To keep or discard / Lady Gaga TONIGHT! / Exam Ended / We are ONE / Dragon slayer is a joke /

Bangs and Spring Cleaning / Tuesday, February 2, 2010 @ 12:09 AM
Been busy with spring cleaning. It's super tiring climbing high n low to clear all the dust away. Even more tiring when it comes to helping kent out with his hse. The mould in his cupboard, dust everywhere make me sneeze non-stop. Oh wells, happy that we're done with clearing lotsa clothes away and throwing all those that have "sentimental values but wldn't use it anyway" kinda stuff. Part II, cleaning of his study rm. Sigh. Moving on, cut a brand new hairstyle for CNY. It's the BANGS!!! Kinda short but tkfully my hair is growing fast enough. 12 more days to CNY!! R u ready?? ^^
Layout by Gabby. Images from here and here. Inspired by tumblr.