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Pin Si Media Tasting / Tuesday, September 28, 2010 @ 9:46 PM
Ultra Delighted when I got invited by to Pin Si Restaurant for Media Tasting.
Think, chinese wedding food with a twist of modernity.
Think, Posh restaurant layout with plate change at every dish.
Think, Abalone, Think, Birdnest (My fave!!!).

Anyway, here's my 5-cents worth of comments.

Trio Varieties Combination Platter
Consist of Prawn Roll ("Hei Zhou"), Beancurd with Porkfloss and Roasted Pork.
Not a lover of prawn roll. So, too biased to judge. However, roasted pork was omg crispy and juicy, i could easily eat another 10. The winner is Beancurd with Porkfloss. The exterior was ultra crisp and the interior was tender soft plus a sprinkle of porkfloss, it's mama-mia~

Double Boiled Shark's Bone Soup with Twins Treasure

On the exterior, this may seems like some plain gooey peanut soup but.....

oh boy, we were all wrong, it contains one two three gems found in chinese food. There's scallop (wow!), Abalone Mushroom (Wow!) and ABALONE (WOW!). No prize for getting it right, abalone is def my fave. Soup is not wasted tho, all the essence of the tresure had went to the soup. It tasted so good, i had to steal from my neighbour.

Stir-fried Fresh Scallops & Prawns with XO Sauce
Everything about the dish is oh-so-perfect, oh-so-fresh. What's more to complain when the food are fresh. Need I say more?

Pan-fried Trio Stuff Varieties Hakka Style

It's a "nah-dish" for me. Not a great fan of Yong Tau Foo esp the Brinjal. = (

In between the dishes, i tried to play with the Panorama function in the cam. Seems cool and i manage to capture everyone in one shot in the table with me. Keke. But i guess i need more practice.

Roasted Pipa Duck
This dish is indeed appealing. Love the colour, the texture. But i dunno whether i'm unlucky, the parts that i got are all bones. So end up, i only manage to taste the ultra nice and crispy skin. Meat wise, it's a tad oily. Still prefers Peking Duck.

But, matching it with the tangery lemony sour plumy sauce (don't think i got it right) does the magic!!!!

Braised Goose Web with Mushroom & Broccoli
This is the only dish that i dare not eat the main item in it. Cos it's like waving to me. Ewww. Anyway, my neighbour had my share, comments from him was, it's really great, tender and full of collagen. Shall have botox dose instead of this. = X
Steamed Meehon with Minced Salted Fish & Assorted Seafood
I never knew that beehoon and tunghoon mixed together could give you such great taste. Don't go, bleah, just vemicelli. Gtta give credits to Pinsi chef for creating such delightful dish out of staple food. 10/10 love for this!!!!

Bird's nest with Water Chestnut & Egg White

Sorry, but gtta be really really biased here. Cos BIRD'S NEST is my fave dessert of all! And all i tasted of birdnest was with ginko nuts or just melted rock sugar. Who would have thought that mixing the water chestnut in would give such great biting senses. haahahaha. My fave of them all!!! ^^

Overall, i would definately go back and eat, probably this CNY eve or sth cos the ambience is so posh and the waiter even explained all the dishes to us. Thoughtful. I like this kind of service cos it seems like it's dying down in most restaurant. More updates soon!!!!

Layout by Gabby. Images from here and here. Inspired by tumblr.