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Shopping at Gmarket / Sunday day out / Pin Si Media Tasting / GIMME SCALLOP (All blogshops selling this are eit... / Kent on reservist (II) / Kent on reservist / Kent's nt feeling well. Totally under the weather.... / Been busy with all the CNY visits. Nw tt CNY is co... / Karen's Traffic Light Theme Bday / Bangs and Spring Cleaning /

April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010
bazaar at sim / Wednesday, January 27, 2010 @ 12:12 PM
An update on the bazaar at sim. Wld like to tk everyone for coming down to support us. N we'll cont to strive and get fb for our pdts.
Had lotsa fun esp when the students are having classes, we play finger twister which I gt at the bazaar for dirt cheap price of 3bucks. Hahahaha.
Another note, today's our first official launch online. Proudly presenting eden garden collection! Do chk it out. Xoxo.
/ Sunday, January 24, 2010 @ 12:47 PM
As promised, my blogshop name is.... (-drum roll-)

Photoshoot today and hopefully everything can be up by Wednesday. Yay!!! Behold people! ^^
Going out!!! / Saturday, January 23, 2010 @ 3:42 AM
First time uploading pics frm my BB. YAY! These are the happennings taken down with BB. Kinda blur tho but better than nth. lol.

A day out with Joey:
Met up with her aft her class and off we go to Bugis.

That's her!! Camera-shy.

Her and her nosey pencil case.

Me, all bored n slpy while she's writting on the feedback form.

The best-ever mudpie frm manhatten fish mkt.

Joey, all studious.

Me and Joey in the lift!

Last shot before she goes home!!

And after that, I went to meet Jason n Kent for dinner...

Our first pic tgt on my BB.

Anddd the next day, Jason treated me to my birthday dinner (super late tho =X). Sidenote on this, I was quite skeptical of the restaurant we're going to but turn out it's really really really gd. Plus it's buffet dinner at the price of arnd $30. oo, btw, name of restaurant is Hibiki (at cuppage area). Definately gg back there!!!

I simply love the utensils there!

Eat-all-u-can Ala-carte buffet rocks esp for lazy ppl like me.

N taa daa, finally a pic of Jason. (A note abt him: we're not blood-related but we're almost similar in lotsa things. We can even pre-empt wad the other party wanna say in advance. N most imptly his fate in life is almost similar to mine too. Uber cool right? I'm amazed myself!!!)

My boy. All fleshy n cute.

Fake smile cos he's boiling over the long wait of food.

Told u i really love the utensils there.

A pic of the 3 of us.

Unagi for unagi lovers, Kent n Jason.

Free flow of salmon spells YAYNESS!!!

Poached egg that i hate but Jason n Kent like.

Kent's all full up and bloated.

Telepathy siblings. = D

We'll be back AGAIN!

100th post / Tuesday, January 19, 2010 @ 5:20 PM
This is my 100th post! -cheer, clap, jump arnd in excitement- okay, enuff of that. hahaha. Nth special for the 100th post.

Just wanna update that I've got a bazaar over at SIM tmr (19 Jan) and on thursday (20 Jan). Made much more rings and earrings than ever. And and and most importantly, i just thot of my blogshop name today(which will be reveal in the next or following post).Do come down and support us. We'll be at the koi pond area. -Cheers-

Totally loving my passion for accessories making. = D
BB Loves / Monday, January 18, 2010 @ 2:28 PM
Just got my BB abt 1 wk plus ago and I'm completely hooked on to my phone. I can spend endless hours just checking out all the apps in there, playing arnd with it. So much so that I din even have time for kent. hahahaha. So ppl out there, get yr BB phone today!!!!! ^^
To keep or discard / Wednesday, January 13, 2010 @ 11:27 PM
I'm like contemplating whether i shld keep this blog or just simply discard. Aft all, I haven't update since god-knows-when but i've sentiments for it since it accompanied me thru my darkest days. Anyways, here are the latest happenings :

Daddy's Birthday(January '10)
My dad turns 50 this yr. Happy Birthday!

Mag's Birthday (January '10)
Happy Birthday Mag mag!! Welcome to my double-twos club.

Latecomers : Manda and Darren.

Movie Date (January '10)

My dearest boy takes me to Sherlock Holmes n Swensens.

Christmas Celeb with OGweenies (December '09)

Guess the baby photo segment!

Pressies! Give me more!

The bitching babes.

Christmas Meetup with fave girls (December '09)

Already looking fwd to next meetup!!

Bitching never ends with my fave girls.

'Jiak Liu Lian' Musical at Esplanade (December '09)

My first musical at Esplanade. Totally loves it. Def gg back for more.
And Kent Dearest got me rose. I'm swimming in happiness. hahaha.

Birthday Celeb with OGweenies. (December '09)

I'm 22 and oh boy i'm old. = (

Jokers. All.

I heart these girls. ^^

Malacca Trip(December '09)

Not a bad shot. (Taken by Gavin)

Me n my beloved parents. = D

Popsicles again! Loves!
BKK Trip (November '09)

The only person who came to see us off! Elias!!!

Waiting to board the plane. Woot woots!

Our first meal in BKK (Fuji Restaurant)

Dirt cheap bargains that we couldn't get enuff!

The Ultimate Buffet that makes us shoutout "SHIOK!"

Popsicles perfect for hot hot US!

Me n my besties gg bonkers in Chatuchak.

Farewell BKK! We'll be back in 2010! <3>
Layout by Gabby. Images from here and here. Inspired by tumblr.