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Shopping at Gmarket / Sunday day out / Pin Si Media Tasting / GIMME SCALLOP (All blogshops selling this are eit... / Kent on reservist (II) / Kent on reservist / Kent's nt feeling well. Totally under the weather.... / Been busy with all the CNY visits. Nw tt CNY is co... / Karen's Traffic Light Theme Bday / Bangs and Spring Cleaning /

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Road Marshalling Event / Saturday, June 28, 2008 @ 2:42 PM
After wrking wrking and lotsa wrking, finally have a lil' of time to update on my blog. Shall update on the past overdue road marshalling event.

Kent's uncle call him up for this event and needed 10 ppl(including me n kent). So we decided to rope in our friends since it's an after exam weekend. So after lotsa calling, we managed to get Ryan, Junyin, Elias and Ailing from SIM, Jason, Jonathan from PSG, Yilu frm my secondary school and Arron, my cousin.

Here are the pics (aft the draggy intro) :

- DAY 1 - Warming up

When everyone are still energetic (except Jason) ...

Filled with excitement as this is our first time doing this kinda event.

First rnd of warm-up for participants.

Road Marshalls!
The Dudes.

1/2 of PSG

Grp 1 Racer. (Ailing, Me, Elias, Yilu and Arron)
Watch as we GO!
Grp 2 Racer!
Gentleman start yr engine!

Our lunch, ultra ubberly fattening.

Me and Kent's cousin, Xinyi.

Arron, Junyin and Ryan

Us and the racing track!

Last pic before the actual event!
On a side note, through this event, me and junyin realise we are some long-distance relatives. haha.
- DAY 2 - Kickoff of the actual event.

The guys wrk...
While the girls slack...
(Must admit it's tough on the guys, esp to stand under the sun for close to 6 hrs n it's unfair tt we get the same pay as them.)

The professional go-kart racers.

Able to spot me?

With the racing suit, they look suave.

Racers and the Racing Queens.

Was lucky to have picture taken with one of the professional racer.

Beautiful Pro Go-Karts

That's me wrking seriously.

(can see AL missing, she became the photographer of the day.)
Close-up of the racers.

Close-up of the Race-Queens

We were running arnd and ended up in the racer's tent.

Just before getting the actual prize money.
and onto the champions' stand.

Mr Slurpee : "Bye Bye"

At the end of day 2, all the guys were extremely tired. Due to the fact that they stand under the hot sun for many many hours. All of us got sun burned. I regret nt wearing covered shoes. Resulted having semi-tanned legs. However, overall, it was a really fun event! And a couple of us even went for K-session aft the events end. ^^

Going to Shanghai / Saturday, June 7, 2008 @ 12:03 AM
It's abt an hour more to go before i'm gonna leave SG for vacation. haha. just thought of doing a small update. Been really busy since exams ended. Work took over and has been breathing down my neck ever since. Thankful that i've this trip that allows me to unwind and give myself a good break. Gonna update on the bbq steamboat i had with sec frens 2 wks ago, road marshalling event last wkend and today's lovely movie date with KD. Kung Fu Panda rocks big time. Remember to stay till the end after the credits. I seriously love cartoons and din know that there's so many mega stars voice-starring in the show. For e.g Jack Black as panda, Angelina Jolie as the tigress, Lucy Liu as snake, Dustin Hoffman as shifu and Jackie Chan as the monkey. (hope tt memory will serve me right). Gotta go alr! Wish me bon voyage.

P.S - KD, i'm so gonna miss you. ^^
gonna get lotsa lovely stuff for you over there.
BBQ Steamboat / Monday, June 2, 2008 @ 1:26 PM
Exams' FINALLY over! Like finally. I'm finally freed frm all those disgusting notes. haha. yea, back to update! Woohoo! Last sun, went out with sec frens and KD to have dinner at boon keng. Aft searching high and low for bbq steamboat (ever since, marina south's close for redevelopment and seoul garden is the only expensive bbq steamboat arnd) that's cheap n good. We found this Chong Pang BBQ steamboat at Boon Keng. It's right in front of an industrial estate, only $16 per pax plus free flow of drinks. There's prawns and crabs too. (and free parking lots too!)

Now we know who's the slacker that only eat!

The girls.

The guys.

Food all clean out by...


He rocks! (random)

Layout by Gabby. Images from here and here. Inspired by tumblr.