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Shopping at Gmarket / Sunday day out / Pin Si Media Tasting / GIMME SCALLOP (All blogshops selling this are eit... / Kent on reservist (II) / Kent on reservist / Kent's nt feeling well. Totally under the weather.... / Been busy with all the CNY visits. Nw tt CNY is co... / Karen's Traffic Light Theme Bday / Bangs and Spring Cleaning /

April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010
T3 with KD's PSG / Thursday, April 24, 2008 @ 10:23 PM
Had initial plan of gg home str aft Dion's birthday, but acc KD to go meet his PSG instead. Was really hilarious to see a grp of 23 yrs old guys acting like only 13 yrs old. lol. Check out the pics.

In his smart4 due to mobilisation.

KD looks fat (or he's fat!)

Na, fat me la!

Mummy says I will grow taller if I keep jumping.

Kent, you're too old alr. All these jumpings don't wrk for you anymore.

When men became boys...

Unsuccessful cos I was too slow in capturing the jump.

Or rather, they were really bad in synchronising.

Walking to have supper. Yummy!

WeeKiong and Regine(earlier on, we played a prank on the guys, was so funny!)

Back street side boys

Dion's 21st Birthday / @ 9:37 PM
I had tons n tons at fun last friday n saturday when Dion invited us to his birthday party. It simply rawks. Me n camay slept over on fri night(of which we watched hottie, nottie, played a-hole ti-di) kent drove us back, took a short nap, n by 3pm camay's dad drove us back to the chalet. Food was fantastic. Most of all, tks lots to dion for the chalet stay, wonderful food and great times at escape. ^^At escape. Only pic that captures all of us. But TYL says his face looks fat. Oh well.

See, both Camay n my face gt cut.

Random pics before cutting the bday cake.

Grp Pic.

Look at Kent's top. Focus on the first button. lol.

Karen n me!

Me and birthday boy.

Birthday boy random shots.

Us us us!


i gt sabotage in the end.


Yilu and his ass.

Trying to pull off a serious face. (but look at camay)

Final shot. Can see i still can't wipe off the smile frm my face. Still laughing over the previous pic.

It was all of your company that matters. Thanks guys!
Karen's 21st Birthday / Tuesday, April 8, 2008 @ 11:18 AM
Every now and then, i'll update some of the past entries that i missed, mostly due to the following reasons:
1) laptop crashed (lots of photos were lost as a result)
2) handling my personal life
3) prelims and exams revision
4) working
5) teaching tuition

Seems like i got no life. Oh well. Here's karen's 21st Birthday Celebration. Of which, most of the pics were taken directly frm her blog. Only extracted pics of familiar faces or have my face. haha.
Lovely Birthday girl. Sweet 21.

Don't ponder babe, you're the queen.

Secondary school mates.

An extra came along just when i was to take a picture with Karen.

The Quads.

Farewell Pic.
Tks lots for the invitation babe.

Dinner at aston / Monday, April 7, 2008 @ 1:16 PM
I hasn't been playing this much ever since prelims up till now. On friday, i met up with al n kent for lunch, den dinner with dion, yilu, leon, wenjun and camay. After which, they came over to my place. We play asshole dai-dee followed by risk till 6am. Kent came and joined us. All of us get knocked out at arnd 6 plus. But most of us couldn't slp all tks to Yilu and his snoring. It was horrendous. He was denying big time when we told him abt it the next morning. But u guys rocks. Hopefully, we can make it to Sentosa next Sat, otherwise, Dion's 21st birthday. Whee!
Pork Chop and Chicken Chop (Inclusive of sides)
Kent Teo and his chicken chop plus pasta salad
Pork Chop plus baked potato plus coleslaw
Before picking up my sis. (Stop scrolling if you're nt int in pics of jus me and kent, kent n me)

Last pic before the cam died on me.

As a result of all these stay up, i caught a flu. Sat was sucky, Kent dear took care of me for the whole day on Sun. Then, he brought me to Aston's which really cheer me up and satisfy my craving as a patient. Food was extremely cheap and good. It costs us about 10 per person. Moreover, there's no svc charge. Love the muffins that kent bought for me n my sis. Thanks. Gonna go back to mugging. Hasn't been studying since the weekdays. Exam Blues. = (
AMK Sticky Rice / @ 12:55 PM
Tuition got cancelled. So in the end met up with Kent again and we went to AMK hub again. haha. AMK hub's durian crisps really rocks! I simply love it. Thereafter, we went over to sticky rice for dinner. Reasonable pricing but food so-so.

Supper at ECP / @ 12:06 PM
I had a great april fool's day. This year my sis totally fooled me with a msg "sth bad happen, call me". I call her almost immediately(somemore i was teaching tuition), n asked what happen, all i hear frm the other end was tracy's laughter. 2 idiots! haha. Aft tuition, kent came over to pick me up for supper. MENses sucks. But kent (plus my sis n tracy) made my day. = )

I just realise that the circled apartment acted as a lighthouse.

The lagoon

That was the best jump pic i could find.
(All tks to kent, i jump like 1378273times yet this is the best.)

Loser guy with loser actions.

unglam shots.

super act cute.

Was trying to capture a pic of me n the SF.
Obviously, it was a failed attempt. = (

"Watching you walk out of my life does not make me bitter or cynical about love. But rather makes me realize that if i wanted so much to be with the wrong person how beautiful it will be when the right one comes along." I'm glad that i wrote the letter to kent.
P.S - You are the right one that comes along.
Layout by Gabby. Images from here and here. Inspired by tumblr.