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Shopping at Gmarket / Sunday day out / Pin Si Media Tasting / GIMME SCALLOP (All blogshops selling this are eit... / Kent on reservist (II) / Kent on reservist / Kent's nt feeling well. Totally under the weather.... / Been busy with all the CNY visits. Nw tt CNY is co... / Karen's Traffic Light Theme Bday / Bangs and Spring Cleaning /

April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010
Mid-autumn Festival / Wednesday, September 26, 2007 @ 12:45 AM
This is the first yr Kang and I celebrate mid-autumn festival tgt. Sth that we din get a chance to do tgt last yr. Afterall, last yr was a bad yr. Let bygones be bygones. Though he's now kept away in Keat Hong Camp(yes, that's his new posting but he gt down pes and is currently awaiting his new posting = D) we had a pre-celeb with my family on sat and another one among ourselves on Sunday.

Our mini getaway! / Saturday, September 22, 2007 @ 1:14 AM
After bidding goodbye to the 3 mths of booking in and out, Nic gets his well-deserved leave! N here we are at Sentosa, our getaway frm busy city life to slow-paced island. We truly enjoyed ourselves. Gave excuse for ourselves to indulge like celebrating our 18th months. Yea, loads of craps but who cares!!!

Our Journey begins here...

Still recovering frm the nap. Yawns.

Jump, jump, jump! I wanna be as tall as Merlion.

Beware! Nic is a ckp, his sinister smile bares it all!

From these coins, I gt myself a set of merlion coasters and Kang gt a merlion handphone straps as souvenirs.

They labelled wrongly, should be botak head gallery.

Failed impersonation of Sang Nila Utama!
More Like Kang Gila Utama.

Lovely views!

One last pic before heading for dinner.

Enchanted garden.

He just never grow up.

Spastic, spastic!

Haha, another failed impersonation!

Well, i already said, Peter Pan's brother!

Burn, burn, burn

Fireworks frm song of the seas.

Lovely, isn't it?

After 3 months of bmt, not bad eh?

I had sands in my mouth. Eek!

I just wanna shower!

This 4D magix thing cheated me of my $12.80.
I can give you wind with my electric fan and spray some water.
= (

Love the view. So romantic.

And he's my romance.

Developing parts of Sentosa.

I'm loss for description!

The HDB at the back is my former home. = )

Back to Sentosa for dinner!

Lovely night scenery.

Dinner by the sea with Kang.

Food is cheap and good at Coastes.

Happy 18th months!

Well, apologies for accommodating to my height.



17Sept2007 / @ 12:58 AM
Dinner with my parents. Kang was supposed to join us but had some last min family dinner too. Riverside indo restaurant is a cheap n good place to makan. love the food there! after the dinner, we went over to the central to walk arnd. My sis and I found a small corner selling lotsa youngster stuff at reasonable price.

Mummy and Kit.

Yue lao, please grant me my wish!

Mum and Dad.

Pardon our spastic moment.
Dinner with Karen and Candy / Thursday, September 6, 2007 @ 11:45 PM
It's been 129849034 years since I meet up with these 2 girls. It's really nice to dine with em. Lotsa fun and laughter just like our secondary school days. = ) More meetups please!

well, can't help it. we're hungry.
A message of thanks. / Tuesday, September 4, 2007 @ 3:24 AM
Weekends nevertheless are fun always with you arnd. Well, I'm really thankful for everything i've now. Though I don't know how long all this will last, at the moment, i just wanna enjoy every single second that I spend with you. It's so precious. Well, heard stories of guys getting back to their norm after ord. Sound real emo and pessimistic but can't help it. That's the reality. = ( I do treasure and feel blessed with you arnd.
Layout by Gabby. Images from here and here. Inspired by tumblr.