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Shopping at Gmarket / Sunday day out / Pin Si Media Tasting / GIMME SCALLOP (All blogshops selling this are eit... / Kent on reservist (II) / Kent on reservist / Kent's nt feeling well. Totally under the weather.... / Been busy with all the CNY visits. Nw tt CNY is co... / Karen's Traffic Light Theme Bday / Bangs and Spring Cleaning /

April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010
Thursday is love / Friday, May 25, 2007 @ 12:02 PM
It's pretty rare to find me shopping arnd with Nic on a Thursday esp when he's working. But this Thursday is an exception. He took off cos he's going into NS soon, and the time we get to spent with each other like that will be lesser in future. Anyway, the day was really well spent. Went to espirit to get Nic's birthday pressie, he picked em all and I hate to get stuff he dislike, he just chuck it aside without using it. Damn. Then, to kim gary cafe. The bill came up to 10 bucks per pax. darn reasonable. And then, watched pirates of the carribean. I simply love it. Thanks for everything baby.

Him, Him, Him and me.

This show rox.

Rewinding back : Nic took off on Monday to acc me as well. It's F21 Manic Monday. Love the top i bought. Whee! Wanted to grab something light before we go back to Nic's place to zzzzzzz. So ended up in Marche eating Rosti. It's delicious. Simply love it.


He's my guardian angels. <3>
That's all!
Past few days / Sunday, May 20, 2007 @ 5:02 PM

Tagged along with nic to xw's place. Watch the guys play tennis follow by bak kut teh at tiong bahru then mahjong, watch fa cup finals, cup noodles at seven-eleven, macdonald's delivery. By the time my mac order came, i was fast asleep. It was friggin' late(arnd 4am). But I had lotsa fun.

To xw's place. Nic look good, i don't. But that's the only pic we took tgt.

The guy who's white from top to toe; Nic!

This joker here was trying to play wow and watch the match at the same time.

Went over to nic's place. Was so bored that i decided to put Junior on nic's skateboard.


Went kent ridge. I haven't exercise since my napfa. It kinda feel great to sweat out. Yeah!

My mum and me after walking.

The view from Kent Ridge. Lovely.
I missed the sunset. That's all I've got.
Happy Mummy's Day! / Monday, May 14, 2007 @ 1:37 PM
Was Mother's Day yesterday. Not working on the next day, thus, my dad suggested that all of us go out for a meal tgt. It's like 398204720 days since we last had a meal tgt or like spent some time tgt. I really find it dumb for those who only try to spend time with their mum only on mother's day. What's the pt? To me, being nice to yr mum everyday is more than enuff. Well, at least i'm nice to her for at least 3oo days in a year. That's quite a record alr. So to us, it was more like a family day rather than a "mother's day". I love both of my dad n my mum. N i love sushi teh, their food rox. Even the salad is nice. Eating food with yr loved ones is always nice.

My parents. Both me n nic agreed my dad have got
the ever-comical look on his face. lolx.

This is seriously a bad shot. My sister had to hold the camera real high
till it show how chubby my face was. (Nic commented on the chubby part)

The only dish that i managed to snap.
We were all damn hungry. Should see the rate
that we eat our food. hahahaha.

She loves me.

We truly adores her. She's the best!

My sister captured all this when testing out the
multi-shot features.

We were competing who can take the best shot of the
really nice scenery outside Vivo.
Far left(me!) Centre(sister) Far right(Mum)
As u can tell my mum's sux big time at taking photo. haha.

I realised we din take a single pic as a whole.
Thus, i collage the above pics.

After all that unsucessful jumps, we
decided to take one nice pic before gg off.
Last day at Maersk / Sunday, May 13, 2007 @ 1:13 PM
It's finally my last day. Was suppose to be last fri tho. Yea, i could finally slp late and wake up really late in the morning. Though my income would be cut by 3/4, i still have my tuition income to sustain. Gonna plan wad i wanna do. Ai Ling & Emily, I can finally go out with you girls.

The view from co pantry. Nice right?

My last lunch at Maersk

My boss(Captain Ajay) and I
He's nicest boss I've ever met

Well done to Pallav who took this snapshot

My lunch khakis

The Q(Quality) Boys

The first 3 pics were not well taken bcos of irritating
guys disturbing us

Indra and Rhadhah who are still children at heart

Rhinos, rhinos and more rhinos

If we weren't sitting, u could see how tall these guys are
or rather how short i am

The girls

Group Pic
Gloomy Day / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 @ 2:03 PM
It's such a gloomy day. I'm took a day off from work and cancelled my tuition. How i wish i could rest at home like that everyday. I'm sick and tired of working so hard for moolah. I need a rest! But this fri is my last day. Yea.
Spiderman 3 / @ 12:32 PM

This show is fantastic. Though, the storyline kinda differ frm the comics.
I love Tobey Maguire. Nic, u could go n hug tom cruise for all u wan.
I still prefer Tobey. No offence to anybody. Jus between me n nic. Lolx.
2/4 gathering 2007 / Sunday, May 6, 2007 @ 11:30 PM
Gathering at blu Jaz cafe was simply fantastic. 2/4 people are simply marvellous. We had such a great time tgt. Playing games and catching up with one another. Was really funny throughout. I wanna tk everybody who's present for making this gathering such a success. A million tks.

We're hungry people.

While waiting for food. (The ladies)

Our photographer. I ain't joking.
He's really a photographer and he's really
good in taking pics.

While waiting for candy, xm, lf n clement to
buy 'paper and pen'.

Camay all comfy with the cushions.

I've not seen HuaLing for close to 4 years.

Comfy cushion. Jasen's included!

Our hand gestures meant something.
From left to right (fries, nuggets, pie, coke and burger)
The Macdonald game!

Nice place, great people!

The ladies(w/o Camay)

A group pic before leaving.
I condemn WoW / Friday, May 4, 2007 @ 10:08 PM
WoW is evil. It's snatching my bf away. Now he has no more time for me. = (

N I'm looking fwd to tml's gathering. It's been like a year since i last met my secondary school mates.
Forever 21 Manic Monday / Tuesday, May 1, 2007 @ 10:42 AM
Jasmine is a very very happy girl. Basically becos she jus got discount from F21. N n n her next 3 visit is filled with discount too. 15%, 15% and the 21% on the last visit. F21 rox! Manic Monday rox!
Boring Saturday / @ 10:26 AM

On the way back. Din take any pics dere = (

Both me and babe love this pic.

Not much tho. Was Nic's fren's birthday. Stoning much of the time.
The place was nice.
Layout by Gabby. Images from here and here. Inspired by tumblr.